Happy New Year! I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas season and a Happy New Years celebration.
Did you find time over the holidays to carve out some peaceful time to curl up with a good book? I hope so. Surprisingly, I did, looking for a fun read after a bit of a rough year and crazy holiday season. I chose another Danielle Steel book off of my list of her books I haven’t read, getting a little behind. Property of a Noblewoman was a great book and is one of my favorites. A little different than her other books it has a bit of mystery. An abandoned safe deposit box, 3 families and secrets, where will it all lead?
We all understand the saying “six degrees of separation.” This theory comes in to play in Property of a Noblewoman. Set in New York, the story begins with Hal. Hal works for a large bank and has for many years. He heads up the safe deposit box division and monitors the comings and goings of people storing their most prize possesions. He also has the job of dealing with the boxes that appear to be abandoned.
Hal recognizes the name on this large box, the woman was quiet, came in occasionally but hasn’t been in for several years and has quit paying. Following bank protocol, Hal sends the form letter and waits the proper length of time before having the box drilled and opened.
The day arrives and the box is drilled, what is discovered is surprising. Hal works with a notary to complete an inventory of the box, and calls the New York Surrogate’s Office to schedule an appointment to turn the items over.
Jane, a law student works as an intern. She takes Hal’s call, is intrigued by the contents and schedules a meeting. After the meeting Jane contacts Christie’s to schedule a time to meet at the box and schedule a possible sale of the contents with the proceeds going to the state. Philip answers the phone and is rather distant and rude, but agrees to meet Jane.
The story twists and turns and bringing 3 families together and stretching them to breaking points by the secrets that are held within that safe deposit box.
We all have had situations in our lives where we wonder why this is happening? We are forced down a path we didn’t see coming, but the outcome is a surprise and sometimes our lives are better for it.
Property of a Noblewoman does this for these families and will answer questions for Philip’s mother, questions she has wondered about her entire life. Yet the answers may bring heartache to others and stretch those relationships to the breaking point.
I am curious by nature and when a mystery is handed over to me, I can’t let it go. I loved that element in Property of a Noblewoman. I felt like I was shadowing Philip and Jane in trying to discover who the woman was that owned the safe deposit box and what is her story.
Let me know what you think of Property of a Noblewoman if you take the time to read it.
Have you set your reading goals for 2017? I have promised myself to read 30 books this year, with 2 being motivational and 1 being a classic from my childhood. I am excited to discover some great books and share them with you. Please feel free to jump on here and share your favorites too, always looking for a great book.
Bee Readin’ until next time,
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4 thoughts on “Property of a Noblewoman by Danielle Steel”
Read one so far and just received Hidden Figures. Bought it in paperback so I could pass it along to those who don’t have an e-reader.
I am with you on the e-reader. It is such a convenience, but I miss holding the book and touching and smelling actual pages. Let me know what you think of Hidden Figures. Terri
Yes, I have my goal set at 24 or 25. I finished one so far, but only because I started it in December. My problem is that I read 3 or 4 at a time so it takes a while to finish one. Looking forward to adding more to my list after reading your blog posts. 🙂
Good morning, what a great goal. If you have any books you read that you want to share, please do. I am always looking for new books to add to my list too. I admire you for reading 4 or 5 at a time. I struggle with that as I get stories confused. Good for you, that is a great way to read more books. Happy Reading! Terri